DayZ Server Finder

Wanting to find out what server you are on in DayZ? Or trying to find the last server you were on? I have here two very simple batch files that will do that for you. They both do basically the same thing, so you can pick either one. In either case follow the directions below.
1. Create a new text file
2. Insert the code from either one into the file and save it as something like DayZ Server.bat
3. You will probably have to change the extension manually to .bat from .txt
4. When you double click it, it should run. If it doesn’t you probably have certain file extensions hidden and your DayZ Server.bat is actually DayZ Server.bat.txt

Number 1

find "lastMPServer" %userprofile%\documents\dayz\%username%.dayzprofile >%temp%\dayzip.txt | notepad %temp%\dayzip.txt


Number 2

@echo off
set FileName=%HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\Documents\DayZ\%USERNAME%.DayZProfile
set FileTime="-"
for %%X in (%FileName%) do (
if %FileTime% NEQ "%%~tX" (
type %FileName% | find "lastMPServer"
set FileTime="%%~tX"
rem wait 5 seconds before checking again
TIMEOUT /T 5 >nul 2>nul
goto :loop


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